A power supply from 100 % renewable energies is the goal of the transformation of the energy system. We know and advise the various target groups with their different perspectives on the topic of green electricity: from energy suppliers and municipal utilities to industry. From regulatory aspects to product development.
With our deep market knowledge, we provide answers to essential questions on the topic of green power. Our general studies and analyses shed light on a wide range of relevant topics in the green power market. We support companies in procurement, for example by means of PPAs, and CO2 balancing as well as in the development of products and business models for trading and sales.
our services around the topic of green electricity

Green electricity market
We prepare expert reports, analyses and studies on various issues and developments in the green electricity market. Among other things, we deal with guarantees of origin, electricity labelling, regional green electricity, e-mobility and the role of green electricity in sector coupling.

Products & Business Models
We advise companies in the energy industry on the development of products and business models for the distribution and trading of renewable electricity and heat.

Green power procurement
Companies now have various options for purchasing green electricity: Classic green power procurement from an electricity supplier, long-term procurement by means of so-called Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) or in-house generation. Depending on the location and consumption structure, different procurement strategies make sense. We are happy to advise you.

Green electricity quality
As the certification office of the ok-power seal of approval for green electricity, we inform both electricity suppliers and consumers about green electricity quality and certification.

We provide impulses on regulatory aspects of the green electricity market up to concrete drafts for legislation.

Direct electricity supply contracts based on renewable energies (Green Power Purchase Agreements, or Green PPAs for short) are becoming increasingly important as a procurement option. Consumption-intensive companies in particular are discovering this type of green power purchase as an important component of their decarbonisation strategy and are fuelling the trend. In this way, a significant change in the energy markets is taking place – keyword renewable expansion without subsidies.
With Green PPAs, a long-term supply of electricity is agreed directly between the generator and the consumer of the energy. The contractual characteristics depend on various factors – starting with the question of what type of plant is involved: new or existing? Unsubsidised, eligible for subsidies or already dropped from the EEG subsidy? We advise companies on the details and provide suitable recommendations for the respective requirements.
certification office of the ok-power Label
More and more private and commercial customers are opting for green electricity. In principle, this is a good thing. However, if you really want to have a positive effect on the energy transition with your green electricity purchase, you should choose certified green electricity – distinguished by a credible green electricity label. This ensures that the green electricity product comes entirely from renewable energies and demonstrably makes an additional contribution to the energy transition. One of the largest and oldest green electricity labels in Germany is the ok-power seal. It is issued by the non-profit organisation EnergieVision e.V.

Hamburg Institut has been responsible for the operational certification business and the operation of the office of the ok-power label since 2016. In this function, we are the interface to the providers and inform the public on the topic of certified green electricity – for example on the website ok-power.de and with an independent and commission-free tariff portal. Together with EnergieVision e.V., we accompany and analyse political and economic framework conditions on the green electricity market at both national and European level.
What is green electricity?
The term green electricity is not legally defined. It is commonly used to describe electricity that comes from renewable sources. Renewable energy includes wind power (onshore, offshore, small wind turbines), solar power (photovoltaic, solar thermal, Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)), hydropower (run-of-river power plants, reservoirs) as well as geothermal and biomass. Pumped storage power plants should only be recognised as renewable with the part that was demonstrably pumped from renewable sources.
What is regional green electricity?
Strictly speaking, regional electricity is not a protected or defined term. Many electricity providers use this term in advertising to refer to electricity sources from the region. Regional electricity in the sense of German electricity labelling is EEG-subsidised electricity that comes from a plant located within a 50 km radius of the consumer’s postcode area. For this purpose, regional certificates are issued showing in which EEG plant a certain amount of electricity from renewable energies was generated.
The regional certificates are administered in the Regional Certificate Register (RNR) of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The regional green electricity is “visible” in the electricity labelling of the respective green electricity product, which every electricity supplier must produce. If suppliers use regional certificates, they are allowed to colour in the portion of their electricity labelling in which the EEG share is shown, the share of EEG electricity originating from the region.
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