Elena Chvanova

Elena Chvanova

+49 (0)40 39 10 69 89-47

M.A. (Econ.) World Economy and Politics
Senior Consultant
Verification systems for renewable energies


  • Verification systems for renewable energies, especially for heat, electricity and hydrogen
  • Markets and regulatory framework
  • Solutions for the practical application of guarantees of origin, especially in industry and the energy sector

Elena Chvanova is a long-standing energy market expert and has been working as a senior consultant and project manager at Hamburg Institut since 2023. As part of our research and consulting projects, she focuses on national and international verification systems for renewable energies in various sectors. Among other things, Elena Chvanova is currently leading a consortium of highly specialised experts who are developing the basis for guarantee of origin systems for gas, heating and cooling on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency.

Professional experience & qualification

Elena Chvanova has been working in the energy sector for over 15 years and therefore has extensive experience in the energy industry and energy policy. In the course of her career to date, she has demonstrated her analytical skills in particular – for example at the Russian Ministry of Energy, RosBusinessConsulting and EnBW AG. In various studies, Elena Chvanova analysed different aspects of international energy markets, including the electricity distribution market in different countries. In her last position at Dr Langniß Energie & Analyse, she evaluated use cases and regulatory requirements for the implementation of a guarantee of origin system for renewable energies and green hydrogen in South Africa on behalf of GIZ, among others, derived recommendations for action and validated these in stakeholder workshops on site.

Elena Chvanova studied International Technical Business Administration at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. She wrote her thesis on electricity transmission and distribution grids in Russia. She also completed a Master’s degree in World Economics and Politics at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, specialising in ‘Regulation of energy and raw material resources in Russia and the world’.

She is a member of the DIN-led working group ‘Guarantees of Origin and Environmental Aspects’ of the BMWK-funded joint project ‘Standardisation Roadmap Hydrogen Technologies’ and represents Germany internationally at the IEA Hydrogen Technology Collaboration, focusing on the hydrogen certification system.