Marc Lüdcke

Marc Lüdcke

+49 (0)40 39 10 69 89-64

M.Sc. Energy Technology
Heating concepts | Large-scale heat storage | Modelling


  • Large-scale heat storage
  • Sustainable heat supply
  • Model-based energy system analysis

Marc Lüdcke supports Hamburg Institut especially in the field of district heating and energy systems. His areas of focus include large-scale heat storage, projects on the coupling of sectors, the development of heating concepts, and model-based energy system analyses.

Professional experience & qualification

During his Bachelor’s and Master’s studies, Marc Lüdcke worked as a tutor and research assistant in several areas for a total of five years. Parallel to his master’s degree in energy technology with a focus on energy systems at the Hamburg University of Technology, he already worked as a student trainee at Hamburg Institut and also wrote his master’s thesis on ‘Seasonal heat storage in underground reservoirs’ in cooperation with us.