Marleen Greenberg

Marleen Greenberg

+49 (0)40 39 10 69 89-34

M.Sc. Biology
Climate neutrality | Nature-based solutions |

Her consulting expertise:

  • Climate neutrality, especially for municipalities
  • Compensation / climate financing
  • Rewetting of peatlands, biological climate protection, forestry projects
  • Advice on nature-based solutions and negative emissions
  • Non-energy emissions (agriculture, LULUCF)

Marleen Greenberg is our expert for biology and ecology at the Hamburg Institute since 2022. Her focus is on nature-based solutions, i.e. solutions that are inspired and supported by nature and at the same time bring ecological, social and economic benefits. Here, the biologist advises specifically on biological climate protection, such as the rewetting of moors and forestry projects. Further focal points of her work are compensation and climate financing as well as non-energy-related emissions. She is also involved in coordinating internal knowledge management within Hamburg Institut.

Professional experience & qualification

Already during her studies of biology at the University of Hamburg, the topic of climate aroused Marleen Greenberg’s interest, among other things through her work as an auxiliary scientist in the AG Biogeografie in the field of dendrochronology (tree ring research). Parallel to her Master’s degree with a focus on biodiversity, ecology and evolution, she worked as a biologist in an environmental planning office, where she dealt with biotope mapping and GIS.