Paula Möhring

Paula Möhring

+49 (0)40 39 10 69 89-37

M.Sc. Energy Engineering and Management | M.Sc. Mechanical, Energy and Environmental Engineering
Senior Consultant
Heat planning | Heat strategies | Policy instruments


  • Transformation of the heat supply
  • Heat planning and heat strategies
  • Heat networks
  • Legislation and regulation

As a senior consultant and project leader, Paula Möhring is particularly concerned with the transformation of heating systems and develops heating plans and strategies for their implementation. Her focus is on spatial analyses and the technical and economic feasibility of heat supply solutions as well as the regulatory, legal and planning aspects of the heat transition. For Hamburg Institut, the engineer creates and manages various concepts and studies for public and private clients. She is also continuously involved in various research and consulting projects on the transformation of the heating sector.

Professional experience & qualification

Before joining Hamburg Institut, Paula Möhring completed a European Master’s programme in Energy Technologies at InnoEnergy. She earned two master’s degrees in this programme: Master of Science in Energy Engineering and Management at the Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon and Master of Science in Mechanical, Energy and Environmental Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. As part of her Master’s thesis, Paula Möhring also conducted research at the German Aerospace Institute and the Institute for Solar Research in Spain.