Thomas Müller

Thomas Müller

+49 (0)40 39 10 69 89-72

M.Sc. Sustainable Energy Supply
Large-scale heat storage | Heat planning | Model-based energy system analysis


  • Large-scale heat storage
  • Sustainable heat supply
  • Model-based energy system analysis

Thomas Müller’s work at Hamburg Institut focuses on sustainable heat supply and large-scale heat storage systems as well as model-based energy system analyses.

Professional experience & qualification

Before joining Hamburg Institut, the engineer worked for several years as a student trainee in a consultancy firm specialising in energy efficiency and climate protection and as a research assistant. Most recently, parallel to his studies in sustainable energy supply at RWTH Aachen University, he worked as a student trainee at the Hamburg Institute and wrote his master’s thesis in cooperation with us. The topic was the integration of large-scale heat storage systems in district heating networks.